How to Install Preciso Plugin in BigCommerce Store
Installation Steps/Configuration:
1. To install the Preciso plugin.
Choose Market Place,, search for “Preciso Bid-Smart For Merchant
And Install the app to your store, it will ask you to confirm the compliance of permissions
required like below, after you confirm, you will be able to Install
When you are trying to install "Preciso" it will assess the number of products you have in your
store. Our plugin is designed to check that you should have at least 19 different products in
your store, only then it will allow you to install the Preciso plugin.
How to Use?
After Preciso plugin is installed, click on Preciso in the left menu. It will show you the
registration page if you are a new user. If you are a returning user, it will directly login to
your Preciso screens.
2. Registration (for New User)
Registration page appears only first time on fresh Install onto your store.
Registration process requests fields for both registration and campaign creation
process so that it will be one-time job. Some compulsory fields are
Email Address: - It will be your Username, to receive communication
Shop Name: - Store Name or name to identify your store
Contact Number: - Mobile Number with country code to call.
Region: - Location where store is located
Store Url: - Domain url of the store
Logo Url: - Largest Logo url of store
Currency: - Currency store operate on
Daily Budget: - Maximum amount we can spend a day
Total Budget: - Maximum amount we can spend on campaign
Contact Address: - Contact Address, Contact Number, Contact Email
3. Sign-in/Login
Clicking on app "Preciso Bid-Smart For Merchant, in store app area, it will
redirect to Login after registration process is completed, use your Username and
password (provided in your registered email) to login to access app’s dashboard.
Users are restricted to access only through designated store.
For Old Users who have previously logged in once through Login Page, it is auto login
from next time to your respective store
Enjoy using Preciso Plugin! For any help, contact Preciso Customer Support by email or skype:
By Email: [email protected] For Skype Chat Response : [email protected]